ATC is supporting clients, contractors and operators in the upstream and subsea oil & gas industry to optimize space and weight on their facilities, while contributing to a reduction of life cycle costs by means of reliable compact valve actuator systems.
We design and manufacture proven technology with a full range of compact actuators to operate quarter turn valves from subsea deep to onshore.
The company is privately owned and founded in the early 2000’s, where the key staff and leadership has remained on-board ever since.
Client satisfaction is of critical importance and feedback on our performance and equipment is considered a mandatory input to further improve the ATC organization and services.
An open dialogue and direct business communication with respective customers from early design stage until final installation are considered essential to be able to provide added value and achieve target optimizations.
With offices in The Netherlands (main office), U.S.A., North of Spain, Malaysia we offer a worldwide support.
Interested in how we can help?
Would you like to become our new colleague?
Are you interested?
Below we summarize the characteristics we are looking for:
- Ambitious, both for themselves and ATC
- Independent
- Strong sense of responsibility
- Persistence
- Loyal
- Social
Vacancies and internships
We also have opportunities for trainees / interns / students. Are you interested in an international oriented training or internship, please feel free to approach us through the following form.
Company Culture
Our company is known for its open, informal no-nonsense culture, and we find a good work environment mandatory.
We keep our staff of employees updated, by means of bi-monthly company meetings where the different disciplines inform on developments and milestones achieved. We organize a daily lunch and twice a year there is an informal activity, once with employees and once including their partners.
We are expecting a pragmatic and flexible approach with a high degree of independence from our employees, and combined with the nature of our business, there is freedom to develop further, both technically and commercially, and above all within an international B2B environment.

Working conditions
Through a study scheme we offer opportunities to expand or deepen your knowledge.

Application procedure
When your profile matches our company’s and job description, we will invite you for a personal interview or teleconference.
Prior to this interview we do require some advance information related to yourself.
Besides your professional expertise, we feel it is important that your profile fits with the company and team.

Privacy Statement
Please click the button below to read, download or print the ATC Privacy statement